Create the IDD practice and life of your dreams


Proven IDD Therapy System that will Radically Improve Patient Outcomes, Retention, and Help Grow Your Clinic to High Six Figures and More!
Webinar Starts In:

Attention: IDD practitioners looking to improve your confidence in your clinical skills, to improve patient outcomes, and make more money to live your dream life.

Would you like to learn the clinical skills necessary to feel like an expert so you can beam with confidence with your patient outcomes, build a huge following in your practice that stay, pay, and refer?

If you are ready to learn the clinical skills necessary to fill your practice and get the results you and the patient desire for a booming referral practice I have some good news for you.......

Jeffrey Garofalo, D.C., the Spinal Disc Clinical Confidence Specialist, will show you how to build clinical skills to include; targeted spinal disc history to disc examination, how to read MRI's with his consistent system, show you how to get great patient outcomes consistently, and show you how to build the practice of your dreams!
• JOIN US FOR THIS Exciting opportunity to learn from an idd expert running 7 tables and grossing 7 figures
Meet Your Host
If I can do it, you can do it with the same system i have built! 

In two and a half years I have built the practice of my dreams.

 the time will pass anyway so those that are motivated and just need the know how will be in a different spot by taking action like i did.

Looking for different results....take different action and join me on this free webinar!
Dr. Jeffrey Garofalo is a Chiropractor, and Spinal Disc Confidence Specialist. Dr. Garofalo has helped over 1500 discs heal non-surgically using a technique he developed called the DOSAE method. Dr. Garofalo has built a large IDD practice with 7 tables filled daily and a 7 figure income. He is looking forward to helping his fellow practitioners grow their knowledge and confidence in helping people with IDD therapy. If you want to live the life you only dreamed of then join this webinar and start your journey today!

FRIDAY, Nov. 4th, 2022
12-1pm UK time

During Your Free Training, You'll Discover...
Secret #1
Learn my system on how to identify which spinal disc level to treat so you get the exact results you desire for best patient outcomes.

Secret #2
Learn what tests are clinically important and why. Learn how to use these tests to educate your patients to improve retention, results and position you as the expert for more referrals.
Secret #3
Learn how to present care plans and finances to patients properly so you aren't selling, yet they are accepting your care plan at a high percentage and become the patient of your dreams.
And More....

How do i register?
The ONLY People Who Will Be Considered Are Those Who Are Fully Registered Below...
Act Now limited spots available!
  let me help you create the practice of your dreams!
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